Contact Us

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we look forward to hearing from you !

216 W. Read St.
United States


A vintage + handmade shop

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Our Products

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Bottle of Bread began as an online shop out of San Diego, CA in 2008 and has now found its home in a 19th century storefront in Baltimore, MD. 

We carrying a curated collection of vintage clothing, accessories and home decor, alongside local and independent makers and artists. 

Bottle of Bread carries vintage clothing from the turn of the century up to the early 1990's, with an emphasis on wearable and unique pieces for both men and women. 


Connect with Bottle of Bread




Buying Vintage

We buy gently used vintage! please drop us a line and schedule a time to bring in your vintage for cash or trade.



Stay up to date!

The best way to stay up to date with news, events, and new arrivals is to follow us on INSTAGRAM or check us out on FACEBOOK

Styling and Events

for styling and event inquiries, such as weddings, parties, merchandising, etc. please drop us a line!